Why FPE?
Fire Protection Education's mission is to provide the highest quality education on the most current fire and life-safety codes by an experienced professional engineer instructor, Sagiv Weiss-Ishai, P.E., who has extensive experience with all aspects of the fire protection profession.
- Sagiv is a California registered Fire Protection Engineer with 18 years of experience in the fire protection field with particular expertise in all aspects of fire alarm and emergency communication systems and their interface with elevators systems.
- All classes are accredited by the ESA/NTS organization for continuing education. Classes may range from partial to full day (8-Hours in class training). CEUs will be granted to all participants upon completion of the class.
- Sagiv serves as a principal member on NFPA 72 Technical Committee - SIG-PRO, which is responsible for fire alarm and elevator systems interface. He is closely involved with the national code development process and is personally responsible for many of the new NFPA 72-2016 code changes. You will be able to learn from Sagiv's committee experience on the most current changes to the fire alarm systems and emergency communication systems code requirements.
- Sagiv serves as a contributing member on the national elevator code ASME A17.1 Hoistway and Emergency Operations technical committees and is well versed in the Fire Emergency Operation (FEO) and the interface between different type elevators and fire protection systems. You will be able to learn from Sagiv's committee experience on the most current code changes to the Fire Emergency Operation for hydraulic, traction and Machine Room Less (MRL) elevators and Occupant Evacuation Operation (OEO) for Occupant Evacuation Elevators (OEE).
- Sagiv has an extensive knowledge and experience with the IBC and IFC model codes as well as with the California amended CBC and CFC. He has specific expertise with IBC/CBC Chapter 9 - Fire Protection Systems, Chapter 30 - Elevators and Conveying Systems, Section 3007 - Fire Service Access Elevators (FSAE) and Section 3008 - Occupant Evacuation Elevators (OEE)
- Sagiv has worked as a project manager, design engineer, code consultant and currently as an active code enforcer (AHJ) for a large jurisdiction with many high-rise buildings. You will be able to learn and gain knowledge from Sagiv's experience and expertise in building, fire and elevator codes weather you are a designer, installer, engineer, consultant, contractor, AHJ, inspector or any other professional in the building-fire-elevator fields.
- Sagiv has provided many code trainings, classes and seminars to many organizations such as NFPA, SFPE, CAFAA, BOMA, OSHPD, Fire Chiefs and Fire Prevention personnel.
- Sagiv is an active member on the local NCN-SFPE chapter where he served as the chapter's president in 2008-2009 and is well known in the fire protection engineering community.
- 2013 NFPA Conference & Expo, Chicago, IL. Topic: Interfacing Elevator Controls with Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Systems was rated # 7 among 150 presentations. Click on the URL below for reference:
- 2014 NFPA Conference and Expo, Las Vegas, NE. and the SFPE International Conference and Expo, Long Beach, CA. Topic: New Code Requirements for Fire Service Access Elevators (FSAE) and Occupant Evacuation Elevators (OEE)
- California Automatic Fire Alarm Association, 19th State Agency Forum, Sacramento, CA. Topic: Two-Way Communications Systems - 2013 CBC/CFC and NFPA 72 Code Requirements.
- 2015 SFPE North America Conference and Expo, Freedom to Design, Philadelphia, PA. Topic: Emergency Responders Radio Coverage Systems (ERRCS) - Understanding 2012 IBC/IFC and 2013 NFPA 72 and NFPA 5000 Code Requirements from the Enforcement Agencies/ AHJ Perspective.